

Another one

Wednesday, December 10, 2003



Slashing through the tangled vines
Confusion about how to survive
Sweat in my eyes clouding my vision
Fantasy from pain....To the sky i stare

In this jungle of tormented screams
Cruelty bares its arms,Showing the needle tracks of desire
Alone i bled you an ocean,,,Drowning in a river of tears
Hatred,Abyssal confrontation of all emotion

The guide in this place has lost his way
Deafened by the silence of his mind
Lost his mind,His soul...
I am lost here

By the time you find me
I will be gone
The attention fiend
Green eyes glaring,Overcome by red hatred

As the sky starts to grow dark and the winds grow cold
The beasts start to stir...
Within me....Within my mind
Ferral and cunning...They will rend you apart

This is the end of me i think...
Going insane...Or simply regaining my mind
blurred vision blocks the exit
Pillars of salt all around

Ruined temple ahead
Still smoldering from the ruination created by eternity
Timeless and vacant
Still teeming with the energy of the lost lives

Will you dissect me to preserve me?
kill me to save the soul you knew
I need to escape
I need to go away to survive...I am lost

posted by WishKiller  # 8:43 PM


12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004   01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004   02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004  

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