

Another one

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Lost to you 

Lost to you

I am lost to you
Gone and not coming back this time
I loved you...
And i always will

These scars remind me of you
So i cut and i bleed to forget
And i just feel your presence more
Reminding me of everything we lost

It was never meant to be
Alone again
Alone as the day i was born
These goddamned tears burning my soul

That day when i seen you cry
I felt like nothing
Couldn't stop the pain
Could stop you heart from breaking

Now there is a hole in my heart and a flaw in my mind
My creation was a joke
Just to hurt you...Again
I am sorry you ever seen more than no one in me

So where are we now?
Strangers or less?
Hating me with every breath you take
Exhaling all i meant to you

I don't blame you
I wasn't there
I never will be again
I will die for you....If you want me too

That last night
The candles and the wine
Stained my soul..
Stained everything inside

It has been too long
I miss your face
Your touch haunts me
And i am sorry i ever met you

Are you ok now?
I wish you the best
I am gone forever now
And you can rest now......In peace

posted by WishKiller  # 11:05 PM

No One's Kind 

No Ones Kind

Its time
Expect this to be THE last day....
Unknown Darkness descending
Upon us the end of all

I am the Doomsayer
The end of you all
I am nothing,
No ones kind

Summoning black stars
Falling upon us
Our children
Un-natural rage

Fall to your knees
Undress and please me
It won't save your life
But i will be merciful and kill you sooner

Be not ashamed
Its ending as you are breathing
Future past
What is meant to be is....ME

Gaia cries
Forests black glowing cinders
I burn the world
And piss on the ashes of Yggdrasil

Isis on her back
Buddha force fed rotten meat
Planting the seeds of disgrace

Blackness surrounding you now
Lightning as cold as ice...
Frozen soul
I am creation

posted by WishKiller  # 10:49 PM

Your Agony 

Your Agony

Lost in time
Crying and fading away
Crimson tears against a pale white face
Heretic against your own beliefs

Trying to be exactly who you aren't
Never have
Never will be
They are coming for you

what's the point?
fallacy of never ending life
Gone are the ways of the father
Giving way to the sins of the forsaken son

Gripping the cross
Gripping the gun
Splatter of red
Wooden shards...The deed is done

Bleed and die
Alone and crawling towards the edge
Setting upon the judas cradle
Spilling upon the ground all you are

Back open...like the day you were born
Hydro_Cephalic and drowning in your mind
Twisted and bent
Body and mind....A FREAK till you die

Look into the mirror
Do you see beauty?
No forgiveness for you
Does jesus bleed for you?

Gripping the cross
Gripping the gun
Splatter of red
Wooden shards...The deed is done

Dominating the weak
Being dominated by your deception
In a world of lies....
Are you the chosen LIAR!?!

Unknowingly the premeditated murderer
Killing yourself along with the unborn
Immolition...Eradication....Burning like a monk
Accelerant in your veins...Pain in your heart

He is gone...
Alone and crying like you were
Goodbye......Nice dying with you

It was you who Killed yourself
It was you who FUCKED yourself
It was you....
Goddamn you

Gripping the cross
Gripping the gun
Splatter of red
Wooden shards...The deed is done

It was you who Killed yourself
It was you who FUCKED yourself
It was you....
Goddamn you

posted by WishKiller  # 10:02 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2004



Who are you?
What do you want?
And why are you here?

Limits you set for yourself
I have broken
Never will you be
Who you say you are

Alone in your head
Time to go little one
No one here for you

Falling down
Hurting and bleeding...Needing
Crying out at the moon
HELP ME....Oh help me!

Stuck in a monochromatic world
Where you are right
God damn the world
And god damn your self

Looking up to the moon once more
So high
Fly to it and curse it....
Its so far down now

Cold fingers grasp your neck
So cold
Suicidal and hating the world you created
To you it's perfect.....Do you loathe perfection?

Crying in the dark
On the dark side of the moon
No air.....Dead inside your head
Adding yours to the pile of skulls

posted by WishKiller  # 1:06 AM


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