

Another one

Friday, February 20, 2004

Death To You 

Death to you

One bullet in the chamber
Enough for your head
Gray matter exploding
Burst of red

Falling to the ground
Like they were weights tied to you
Convulsing...Blood flying..
What a mess....Making your family clean it all away

Bone shards
A clump of hair..
teeth and brains meshed in a solid clump
Blood coagulating...The smell...Oh the smell of death

Tossed in an abandoned house
Disgraced and partially clothed
Never had the chance to fight
Beer still in your hand....Didn't help the sting

Laying for days...The insects buzz around
Laying their eggs
Feasting on the carcass
Maggots crawl from your throat

The skin turns brown...
Putrid bubbles appear on the flesh
Swelling and rything...
the parasites in your flesh

Black blood
Stomach acid
liquefied skin
adhering to the floor

Rotting in the heat...
Enter the rats
Gnawing and stripping you bare
Busted guts exploding against the ceiling

The fingernails and toenails
Lying in the ground
Shreds of skin stuck in the crevices of the Hall floor
Shattered bones jut from the filth

Soon this process will be over
Intestines strewn across the floor
Drawn tight and dried
A heap of skeletal remains...scattered miles round
The dogs...Last to see you intact

Until someone sees a tooth
A bone....Panic is spread..
Another nameless faceless corpse
Just another victim....Forgotten in time
posted by WishKiller  # 4:55 AM

This Time 

This Time

Time has come to end this
Pathetic shell of who you were
A common failure is what you will remain to be
Tired of the emotional pity trips....Tired of all you are

Gone and dead in my eyes...Who are you
Now...cry for yourself
And die for me
Listen for the sun to rise...To laugh at you

I wonder what's next
Pull the rabbit out of your hat
Play the hidden card?
Only to reveal a joker

You know the say apathy is the worst feeling
Directed at you apathy takes a back seat
Hate is what i feel....
Need me to help you die

Cry for me to cry for you
Hate yourself to make me pity you
Hold me you cry out
FUCK YOU i say

Liar...Who are you?
Attention hog
Go away....Swing by your neck
Kick the pit bull in the face...Defy your god

You are nothing never was
Never will be
More than shit
Only to have it fly in your face

Cut yourself and take a warm bath
To forget the pain
Wash away the red
The pulse

The train tracks
Are another option
Run away
Go towards the light

Spread your wings and fly..
No one coming to your aid
No way out of this
Concrete boots....Its a long way down

Come on its just a needle
One small piece of steel
Liquid metal so smooth...
Push the plunger with me

posted by WishKiller  # 4:21 AM


12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004   01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004   02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004  

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